Tapas tours

I am Chef Amelia and I would love to share with you my knowledge about the culinary culture of my country and my region, Andalusia, which is a land of diversity. Here different peoples and religions, such as the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Jews and Christians have lived for centuries, some of them all together at the same time, and each one has left a trace in our gastronomy, leaving a unique legacy such as a rich cuisine in flavors and traditions.


That´s why in 2008 I changed my professional life, letting go a successful career in international trading, but where I wasn’t happy, to start a new path following my dreams about cooking and hosting culinary experiences for the adventurous food and wine travelers that want to jump into the local true lifestyle.

I am a self-taught chef because I truly believe that “when the pupil is ready, the master appears”. In this sense, I am lucky to have learnt a lot of cooking from great chef from all over the world, so I could absorb their culinary vision and techniques. Besides, studying and learning by doing, and repeating until becoming a master is the key to success on cooking.

My cooking journey has been full of challenges and excited entrepreneurial gastronomic projects, such as a catering company, a chef-at-home service, an allergens-free pastry shop and several team-work programs for companies based on the cooking competitions. I have also collaborated with chefs from different nationalities to transmit their own culinary traditions to local Sevillian people.

Something I love because I have so much fun doing it is recording healthy recipes for a local TV show named “Salud al Día”. And I felt so honored when the Polish food writer, Monika Bien- Konigsman, counted on me as a Spanish food consultant  in her cook book “Entre amigos”, focused on her selection of tapas in Spain to present her view of Spanish lifestyle to Polish people.

And, finally, when I am not in my kitchen exploring and sharing my time with people like you, gourmands that love fresh cooking and slow traveling as a style of life, you can find me anywhere in the world spreading the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) culture. This culinary treasure from Andalusia not only keeps me healthy and young looking (I think!) but also gives me the opportunity to travel abroad with Extenda, the Trade promotion Agency of Andalusia, belonging to the regional government, as EVOO ambassador in its programs around the world to promote the very best our cuisine.

So, I have created my own foodie world in my kitchen from where to travel through our common passion, food and drink.  Because food, eating and cooking are things that connect us, human beings, all over the world.

Shall we travel together?

Shall we travel together? Let us be the highlight of your trip to Spain!